Anna In Love by Diane Craver

Anna In Love by Diane Craver

Author:Diane Craver [Craver, Diane]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Diane Craver
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Ten

A week after the canceled picnic, Anna sat on a hard bench next to Maggie for their Sunday service at Peter and Ella Hershberger’s house. Before the opening hymn started in High German, she whispered, “Daed is going to announce Priscilla’s engagement today and invite everyone to the wedding. And Nettie and William are getting married this summer too.”

Maggie squeezed her arm. “That’s exciting for both women. Just think, it will only be you and Sadie left at home.”

“Ya, but at least Priscilla won’t move out of the house right away. I’m glad because Priscilla and I are close. She and Stephen are going to live with us until they have their own house.” She thought it odd in a way that the bridal couples wouldn’t get to hear the announcement of their engagements. As tradition went, the fiancée stayed home on the Sunday when their engagement was “published” or announced. She cooked and served dinner to her husband-to-be. It was a time for the couple to be alone. Priscilla had decided to fix meatloaf and mashed potatoes for Stephen. His favorite dessert was carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. She knew they couldn’t eat a whole cake, so Priscilla planned on giving Stephen’s family what was left.

Anna liked how Priscilla and Stephen had decided to have their wedding in late June instead of waiting until fall. Although Stephen helped his father with the farming, he worked full-time at a construction business with Jonathan. He’d only asked for a couple of days off from work to go to a Mennonite bed and breakfast for a short honeymoon. It was a busy time with building houses during the warm weather. Before leaving Fields Corner, Priscilla planned on helping to clean up on Friday morning after their Thursday wedding. It was customary for the couple to get up early and help clean up after their wedding.

As the congregation started singing, Anna noticed her father and the ministers stood to leave the room. She knew they would gather in a different room. The men prayed before they preached to decide who would give the main sermon. Anna thought it was amazing how the two sermons were always delivered without any notes. She couldn’t imagine standing in front of everyone and giving a sermon without writing it down ahead of church Sunday.

“Clint’s looking at you,” Maggie whispered. “He must be here because of you.”

Anna was surprised to see Clint, because he’d never attended their church. She hadn’t seen him since their date at Angela’s Restaurant. He and Wyatt had planned on attending Luke’s picnic, but it was canceled due to severe thunderstorms that day. Clint had called her twice on the phone in the barn.

“I’m confused. I like both Wyatt and Clint. I wish I hadn’t missed lunch with you and Wyatt on Tuesday,” Anna said in a low voice. She hadn’t expected to have strong feelings for Clint too. Really, it had messed things up for her, because she’d been thinking Wyatt might be the one for her.


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