Bane of Darklings - Book 3: Why Me! by T D Wilson

Bane of Darklings - Book 3: Why Me! by T D Wilson

Author:T D Wilson [Wilson, T D]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Walkaboutkitsune LLC
Published: 2022-12-19T07:00:00+00:00

Chapter 7

Yancey was led to and seated at the dining room table by his wife, who then took her seat and they started to eat. Somehow, he and Karen managed to finish before Audrey. Yancey caught on to what the little fairy of his was up to when he noticed a few fresh grapes appear upon Audrey's small plate. Yancey told the living home to stop providing Audreywith more grapes.

Which caused some humor as Audrey found her breakfast quickly over as no new grapes found their way onto her plate and she started to look everywhere for them. Yancey led the way out of the summoned living home and once it was closed, he summoned the flying carriage that provided food and drinks. Still feeling tired from his morning summoning work, Yancey relaxed as Karen set to begin her lessons. At first, Yancey could meditate as he stretched himself out on the front seat. But he only could do so for a few minutes as he was noticing multiple entities near him that weren't his own. Yancey peeked through his left eye at Karen to see just what she was up to and found her with all five of the magical elements attending to her. He even saw the book's forest fairy hovering next to her.

He was wide awake as he sat up facing her and her summonings. Yancey opened his personal summoning storage space and pulled out three scrolls he had prepared just for her. He closed it then cleared his throat, which broke Karen’s focus, causing all but the forest fairy to vanish. He chuckled at the irked expression on her face as he said.

“Well, it seems you have progressed quite well, Karen. All you need is lots of practice, which will help you to maintain your focus on holding your summoning. So, as I promised you, here is your reward for reaching your summoning basic knowledge.” Yancey handed her the three scrolls. Karen quickly examined them. The first one was for creating a summoned contract storage space. One was for making contracts with entities and the last one was a summoned personal storage space. Karen was grinning ear to ear as she leaped across the short space between her and Yancey. She covered him in kisses and hugs. Yancey just sat and laughed at her carrying on so. Karen finally calmed down and returned to her seat.

Yancey, still smiling, said, “I’m happy you're so happy over those three scrolls. They are the most important summoning spells for a budding summoner. Now, let's get you set up?” Karen, still smiling, nodded her head yes. So Yancey walked her through the process of the contracted storage space spell. To which when Karen cast it, she was left passed out. She learned after waking up that she only had moderate magic storage and could only handle four summoned entities until she built up her magical power. After she had rested and regained enough energy, her husband explained it all to her.


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