Bennett: an mm bodyguard romance (Hunter Security) by Laura John

Bennett: an mm bodyguard romance (Hunter Security) by Laura John

Author:Laura John [John, Laura]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seventeen


The parking lot is empty except for the line of buses and a few random vehicles, and I’m on high alert. Some belong to the paparazzi, while others are just passing through to drop people off. I was warned that at least a few paparazzi would be here today, but the sight of them has my skin crawling.

I understand they have a job to do, but almost none respect boundaries, which bothers me.

“Ready for your first tour?” Archer asks, and I nod.

I still can’t believe how fast the past few weeks have flown by.

My sexy country music star’s face is lit up with pure joy and excitement. It eases my nerves a little. The way his full lips are turned upright has me desperate to kiss him, but I have to refrain for now. If I pulled him into me, someone would certainly snap a picture, and I’m not ready to be under a microscope yet. That will come eventually, but I like that only those closest to us know about our relationship.

My parents were ecstatic when I called them, and my mom was immediately fishing to see how serious we were about each other. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts asking about grandchildren in the near future.

Two weeks isn’t a long time to be with someone, but somehow, it’s enough time for me to know I don’t ever want to let Archer go. He makes my days brighter and fills them with laughter and light, not to mention the unbelievable sex.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I reply dryly, hating how grumpy the words come across because it causes Archer’s smile to drop. I quickly add, “Don’t lose that smile. I’m just anxious about this whole thing.”

He visibly relaxes a little. “I understand you’re looking out for me, but we haven’t heard anything from the creepy stalker since the last tour ended. Let’s take no news as good news,” he pleads, and I sigh with a short nod.

I don’t hold the same sentiments, but there’s no use in arguing. I just have to be on my A-game while we are away from home. This whole tour would have been canceled if I had it my way. Traveling from city to city adds a bunch of variables I don’t like, but I trust my team and know we can keep Archer and the rest of his band as safe as humanly possible. I’m pretty sure most of my apprehension right now is my feelings for Archer. Who wouldn’t want to keep their boyfriend safe?

I’m confident we’ll do our best, but shit happens. That’s what worries me the most.

“Who’s ready to rock?” Landon yells as he struts over to us.

“It’s too early for you to be so loud,” Aria grumbles from where she is leaning against the bus, going over some notes on her tablet.

“Don’t try to dampen my excitement,” he argues.

Aria pinches the bridge of her nose and walks over to us. “I know you’re a bodyguard, but


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