Author:Gail Meath [Meath, Gail]
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Publisher: Cranberry Pond Publishing
Published: 2023-05-10T00:00:00+00:00


Road Trip

Laura drove the car south on Madison Avenue through Manhattan. Before they left the club, Snake was kind enough to pack a bag of cinnamon rolls, a few bottles of coca cola, a decanter of water with an empty bowl for Ace, and a separate bag of treats for him. He also pulled out a road map from the glove compartment and showed them the location of the Binghamton Ferry, the only way to cross the Hudson River in a vehicle.

Carla sat in the back seat with Jeanie, reading the map. “You need to turn left on Ninth Avenue, Laura. It’s just a few streets away.”

“I’m excited about taking the transport ferry to New Jersey,” Jeanie said. “It’ll be the first time for me.”

“Laura, why didn’t you tell Orin and Snake about the man who was following us?” Carla asked.

“I was afraid if I mentioned it, Snake would insist on driving us around, and he needs to spend the day gathering as much information as he can about Nick Gallo and Edward Moran. That takes precedence right now. Besides, we’re safer in a car than on foot. Just keep an eye out for that green car the man drove off in.”

Both Carla and Jeanie nervously glanced around. “Shouldn’t we be looking into some of the other cases on the list instead of the dentist?” Jeanie asked. “The man from Millbury died years ago, so he doesn’t seem as important as the others.”

“I know, but we can’t be sure what Doctor Norris told Jax about him, and now that we have a car, I thought we’d make our way down the list in order. After we talk to the dentist, we’ll drive to Chumley’s Tavern in Greenwich Village to see if the woman named Mary or Winnie ever returned to her apartment. I’m sure the place won’t be too hard to find.”

“We should stop at the main library, too,” Carla suggested. “Didn’t the woman in the red dress say she worked as a research librarian? If she isn’t there, we might be able to at least find out who she is.”

Jeanie agreed. “Good idea, Carla. We could take a drive to the orphanage, too. It’s only ten thirty, and we have plenty of time.”

“The orphanage?” Laura hadn’t thought about going to the orphanage since it was located a distance north of the city. Now that they had a car, it wouldn’t take long to drive there, yet something about it just didn’t settle well with her. It seemed almost too intrusive, as though they’d be snooping into Jax’s childhood, a time in his life that he struggled to even talk about. “We’ll see.”

Carla slid forward and rested her arm on the back of the passenger seat. “How are we going to get any information out of the dentist if Doctor Norris couldn’t?”

“I’m not sure, Carla. We’ll figure that out when we get there.”

Laura made the turn and continued driving south. Carla told her to make a right on West Fifteenth Street, which would take them straight to the Binghamton Ferry.


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