Blood Moon by Erzabet Bishop & Gina Kincade

Blood Moon by Erzabet Bishop & Gina Kincade

Author:Erzabet Bishop & Gina Kincade
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781773575209
Publisher: Naughty Nights Press LLC


The shop was still. Kane unwound himself from the nest of blankets hidden beneath Maggie’s desk. Rain pattered against the windows and he began his rounds.

The shop was everything Kane expected. A two-story building on a small plot of land near the city park, it appeared to have manifested out of the forest like the proverbial witch’s house. If a witch’s house could be a two-story Victorian style home that is. The rain made it difficult to see much else.

So far, everything appeared to be normal. Or at least as normal as hanging out in a witchy shop could be. He liked the smells. They tickled his nose, but in a pleasant way.

Part of him knew the reason behind his hesitance was the woman at the heart of this case. She was prettier than any woman had the right to be. Ever since he’d met her, those striking green eyes haunted him. He’d even stolen her novel from Mary’s desk drawer and read part of it when she wasn’t looking.

How did a bookish woman like Ms. Baldwin get to write such lurid tales of bondage and seduction?

Kane wondered where she got her ideas, because if he had to bet, they hadn’t come from her bedroom.

Maggie intrigued him, and he had to remind himself he was here to do a job, not obsess about his sexy client.

From the moment she scooped him into her arms, something shifted between his ribs and he wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it.

Animal attraction had its day. So, did fated mates.

But not when he was on a job, dammit.

Still, the pieces didn’t all fit. The devil was in the details, and that’s where he wanted to start. The shop wasn’t that far from the house, and if he hurried, he’d be back before she noticed he was gone.

Someone had once had a cat or small dog, and he slipped out the pet door and into the parking area.

Bones crunching, he allowed his kitten form to grow into a sleek black panther. He shook off the change, the rain beading off of his coat as he bounded into the darkness.

This would be his only shot to check out the property without interruption. No one liked coming out in the rain, and if there was a police presence still at the house, the darkness would help him remain concealed.

He approached the ranch style home, glad to see the windows were dark. No cars lined the street, but he heard the whip of crime scene tape in the wind.

No surprise there.

He moved to the back of the house, peering in windows but finding nothing that indicated a human presence. But as he wandered, he noticed a shed in the back recesses of the yard. Padlocked, sealed with crime scene tape with blinds drawn on the windows, it was temptation personified.

What were you up to, buddy?

As if he didn’t already know.

As soon as Mary gave him the particulars, he remembered the irregularities from the research he’d done on the divorce.


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