Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks by John Peel

Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks by John Peel

Author:John Peel [Peel, John]
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf
Published: 2011-02-05T06:47:21.456260+00:00

he sneered. Valmar was the driving force behind the rebels

– a brilliant, creative engineer. He had made only one mistake falling in love with Janley. He believed her implicitly. Lying convincingly was one of Janley’s greatest talents.

‘It really works,’ Janley replied. She tapped the sleek barrel of the gun. ‘It killed Lesterson’s assistant Resno.’

Bragen swung his legs from the desk and stood up. He eyed the gun with new respect. ‘Did it, indeed?’

‘Yes. But if we attach a switch, we’ll be able to control its power.’

‘Excellent. A real weapon will make the rebels more of a threat, and cement your position with them’ He considered for a moment. ‘And does Lesterson know how powerful this device is’?’

‘No. Lesterson believes that Resno’s simply shaken up, that he’s taking a few days off under Thane’s care, and is resting.’

Bragen nodded. As ever, Janley had planned well. ‘And the body?’

‘Valmar disposed of it in one of the mercury pools. It won’t be found unless we wish it.’ Janley gave a tight-lipped smile. ‘Lesterson was the indirect cause of Resno’s death. It’s a good hold to have over him if he makes trouble.’ She rewrapped the gun. ‘I’ll give this to Valmar, then?’

‘Yes.’ Bragen dismissed the matter, his mind clearly on other things.

‘When do we move?’ Janley asked. Power was so close to being in her grasp, she was getting greedy for action.

‘Not quite yet,’ Bragen replied. Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, he added: ‘I need another card in my hand. The Examiner bothers me.’

‘That ridiculous man?’ Janley scoffed. ‘I thought Quinn was the only danger to our plans.’

‘Not any more.’ Bragen rubbed his chin, deep in thought. ‘And don’t dismiss the Examiner as a fool. A lot of that’s merely an act to disarm suspicions. He wouldn’t be where he is today if he were really that idiotic. What we need is something else, some other card in play...’ Then the answer came to him. A wolf-like smile slowly spread across his features as he carefully told Janley what she had to do.

‘I told you they wouldn’t let you see Quinn,’ Ben grumbled, following Polly down the latest corridor. The place was beginning to get on his nerves, it was so bleak.

Every corridor looked like the last, without individuality or interest.

‘Then we’ll have to talk to somebody else, won’t we?’

Polly replied firmly. ‘The Doctor is relying on us to get him the background information he needs about the rebels while he concentrates on the Daleks.’

Ben hated it when Polly got into one of her moods.

Sometimes she could get quite bossy, especially when she was on one of her crusades. She was quite determined to vindicate Quinn and get him freed, that much was obvious.

‘So, who else is there?’ he asked. ‘We can hardly ask Hensell to tell us. And Bragen’s the Security Chief – he won’t admit that there’s any problems he hasn’t solved.’

Polly gave him a cheerful smile. ‘Then we’ll have to talk to Thane, won’t we?’

‘The medic?’ Ben considered the suggestion.


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