Ever After by Anne Edwards

Ever After by Anne Edwards

Author:Anne Edwards
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Published: 2017-06-10T16:00:00+00:00


DIANA WAS GUARDED at all times by armed detectives from the SAS-trained Royal Protection Squad. Wherever she went, there had to be at least one detective with her and a back-up car carrying two more. These men were considered to be the best there was in the Metropolitan Police. They had to be crack shots, intelligent, fit, and fast on their feet. More than that, they had to be well-mannered, attractive and well-spoken so that they would blend in wherever they were, as a Palace equerry might

Before she had confided in either Gilbey or Hewitt, Diana had turned to her protection officer, the personable Sergeant Barry Mannakee, who was married with two children. Diana was never alone; even in her own home, a bodyguard was always present, and it was only natural that a closeness evolved between her and the one person she saw more frequently than her husband, her friends or her sisters. She had to put her life in the hands of her protection officer, and this man had pledged to give his life for hers if put to the test. (“The one thing about guarding a woman,” another of Diana’s detectives, Allan Peters, once said, “is that if the worst happens you can pick her up and run for it.”)

Mannakee was keenly aware of Diana’s marriage problems, of how much an outsider she felt in the cold confines of the royal world, and he became her friend and confidant. Diana respected his opinions and the honest advice he offered. He was intelligent, with a calming demeanour, and a genuine fondness for children that made outings with the boys and Diana especially pleasant. William became quite attached to him.

Within about six months, Mannakee’s friendship had become indispensable to Diana. A decade later she told Anthony Holden, during a private meeting at Kensington Palace, that Mannakee had been “the love of my life.” Still, it is doubtful that they were ever lovers. Mannakee was fifteen years older than Diana, and his attitude towards her bordered on the paternal. “I never saw any giveaway glances between them,” one of William’s detectives said. “No touching, or sign of body familiarity. They were on the same wavelength, shared similar views on some things and the Princess did seem better humoured in Mannakee’s company, able to laugh more easily rather than giggle—which she did usually out of nervousness. I think she might have had a breakdown if it wasn’t for his solid presence. She was a very unhappy young woman and I only saw her lighten up when she was with her children. You could see by the way she gathered them up to her how much she loved them, and she could become a bit of a child herself when she was playing with them.”

Another royal detective confided, “The Princess of Wales was so tragic during Barry’s time of duty with her, and he was a very caring man. All of us felt great empathy for her. We knew the truth and she was so young and lost.


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