Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP by Ingo Swann

Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP by Ingo Swann

Author:Ingo Swann [Swann, Ingo]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: esp, remote viewing
Publisher: Crossroad Press
Published: 2017-09-13T16:00:00+00:00

The picture drawing method actually obtains more precise information about a hidden target than does the wording method, which is fraught with inaccuracies and misinterpretation.

By comparing the bulk of picture drawings, we can begin to categorize the preconscious processes that are taking place, and learn to improve our conscious reception of ESP information by observing the apparent difficulties the information undergoes as it tries to reach consciousness.


Remarkable Picture Drawings

At this point, let me show you two kinds of phenomena that can be produced by the ESP core.

In the first set of the examples given below (Illustrations 1-9), the subject’s ESP core functioned in an unimpeded manner, and the actual elements of the target were more or less correctly perceived.

In the second set (Illustrations 10-18), the core was apparently impeded somewhat so that all the subject got was the general idea of what the target represented.

The wide difference between the apparent functions of the ESP core might not at first be visible. Both these sets would be accepted as “hits” in any parapsychology experiment. But actually, whereas the first set represents the core working unimpeded, the second set shows that the ESP information has been taken over by consciousness, which, in turn, is projecting only an intellectual idea about the target, albeit a correct idea. But in the second set, we are no longer in direct hard-wired contact with the target, but are viewing a mind manifestation of it. The mind manifestation has modified the actual target a bit, and is trying to turn the response into wording based upon an idea that corresponds to something in conscious experience.

A dynamic shift of focus in the central process has taken place. The focus has left the psychic information itself, and turned into a focus somewhere in the mind, which is attempting to correlate the information with something known.

This is one of the first dynamic shifts each of you will encounter when you design your own experiments.

Each of the two sets given below are from nine different individuals, and span one hundred years. Yet you will be able to note that they all have a great similarity, not only in the execution of the drawing itself, but in the difficulties the individuals encountered with their ideas in the second set.

Before you review these historical examples, let me say that I believe I have confirmed that they were all achieved under unimpeachable experimental conditions. What will be most important is that when you try your own experiments, you will find out how easy it is. Many of you will enjoy focusing on your own ESP core and producing results that are similar to those given here.

What we are after is an activation of the ESP core in you. It is only through this method that a new age in ESP can emerge where it belongs—in the hands of the people who are courageous enough to take the plunge.


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