Her Three Protectors by H.C Kerr

Her Three Protectors by H.C Kerr

Author:H.C Kerr [Kerr, H.C]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-04-30T16:00:00+00:00


“I can’t believe you would risk your safety like that!” Alex screams in my face. I know it’s from fear of me being hurt but I can’t stop living my life because of some random threat. Sighing I argue back, “there’s only been one note!, it’s hardly danger. I get notes every day! They’re all from religious nuts or husbands are mad that I get their wife’s off better than they can!” he puts his head in his hand clearly exacerbated with me “that’s not the point! This was delivered to our house Sarah, our home! This creep knows where we live!” this makes me stop in my tracks. “you know what it’ll be a prank from my editors, I need to get ready to go” He walks in front of me, I sigh and start to walk around him. “you can’t go out it’s not safe” I hear from behind me, the other boys joining the argument. Shaking my head I walk toward my wardrobe, the three boys jumping in front of me with their hands out. So I decide to take matters into my own hands, grabbing the hem of my top I quickly pull it off, standing half naked in front of them. Their jaws nearly hit the floor, eyes squarely on my chest. “can I get dressed now?” giggling I try to walk around them. “you can’t” Jax being the only one not mesmerised by my boobs, although I suspect because has seen them, touched them and had them in his mouth before now. Rolling my eyes I walk past the two boys still staring and they part like the red sea. I finish getting changed, very aware of the audience and rush to get ready to go to my editors office. Jax stands with his arms crossed, which I can’t help but notice makes his muscular arms bulge which in turn makes my mouth water. I walk past them and down the stairs getting all my bits and bobs together, hearing them follow like little puppy dogs. once I’m ready I turn to the three and motion for hugs, they stand firm, all now adopting the tough guy stance. “we all agree, we don’t think you should go out today” I don’t thinks so. “yeah… and I don’t think you’re the boss of me” I mirror their stance. “please.. we wouldn’t ask if we weren’t worried” I sigh, I knew they’d pull the emotional bit. “why don’t you come with me then? I really need to hand this final manuscript into my editor and I need to stop by the local bookstore to sign some special editions. It’ll only take us two hours tops” this seems to placate them; they nod in response and start to get their coats and shoes. As we walk the halls towards my editors office I can feel the jealous stares from women and confused/scared stares from men. I can feel someone’s hand on the dip in my back, steering me towards Jane’s office.


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