Home to Seaview Key by Sherryl Woods

Home to Seaview Key by Sherryl Woods

Author:Sherryl Woods [Woods, Sherryl]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Romance
ISBN: 9780778315896
Amazon: 0778315894
Barnesnoble: 0778315894
Goodreads: 18168498
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2014-01-28T06:00:00+00:00


By Saturday Abby knew that Hannah and Luke had to be back from their trip to New York, but she’d heard no news about how the cancer screenings had gone. It was one more reminder that she and Hannah weren’t back on their old footing, not like the days when they’d been on the phone a half dozen times a day to share confidences about everything going on in their lives.

She debated barging in on Hannah and pushing for answers, but that didn’t seem wise. Hannah had to come to her.

But, Abby argued with herself, what if the news had been bad and she needed support, but couldn’t bring herself to ask for it? She tried reminding herself that it was unlikely that Hannah even had the results yet, but surely she’d developed instincts about how things had gone.

“I’m at a loss,” she told Seth when she met him for Sunday lunch at The Fish Tale. Grandma Jenny, Hannah and Luke, and Kelsey and her husband had begged off this week, according to Seth. She found that even more worrisome. “Has Luke said anything? Were the test results bad?”

“He hasn’t said a word to me. They may not even know the results yet.”

“And I don’t suppose you’ve thought to ask,” she said with frustration.

“I figured Luke would tell me whatever he wanted me to know,” he said.

“Of course you did.” It was a typically male attitude, she thought irritably. Even she subscribed to it on occasion, but not when it came to something this important.

Seth frowned. “If you’re really worried about Hannah, go by to see her.”

“We’re not exactly there yet,” Abby admitted.

“Thanksgiving’s later this week. You’ll see her then,” he reminded her.

“That’s hardly the right occasion to get into the state of her health. From what she told me, Thanksgiving dinner is bound to be chaotic.”

“Then I don’t know what to tell you,” he said, clearly giving up any attempt at a solution and apparently tired of the topic.

She regarded him with amusement. “It’s a good thing you have lots of other things going for you, because you’re not being real helpful right now.”

“Hey, I’m a guy. I don’t meddle. That was my best attempt at being supportive.”

Abby shook her head. “And it was a pitiful one,” she chided. “You’re Luke’s friend and I know you’re a compassionate man. What you did for Ella Mae demonstrated that. I also know you care about Hannah. This situation should be on your radar.”

“It is on my radar. I’m worried about her, too,” he insisted. “But there’s this whole other layer to your worrying. It’s all wrapped up in the dynamics of your relationship. You’re feeling left out. Hannah’s silence reminds you that things aren’t back to normal between you.”

Abby stared at him with surprise. “I might be forced to take it all back. Apparently you do have a sensitive bone in your body. Decent insight, too.”

Seth laughed. “Thank you for that high, if grudging praise.”

“I always give credit where credit’s due,”


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