Incubus Broken by S. Rodman

Incubus Broken by S. Rodman

Author:S. Rodman
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-06-17T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 13

The next day was thankfully calm. The kids stayed with Lydia, and Daniel got on with some work whilst Ezekiel seemed content pottering around the house tidying up. He managed to bake a cake without any help and was extraordinarily pleased with himself. Daniel beamed at his pride.

The only slight drama had been when Ezekiel had come into his office with a leaflet. ‘What’s this?’ he asked puzzled. ‘It was on the kitchen table.’ Daniel saw the words ‘Survivors Support Group’ and groaned, getting up from his chair to snatch it from Ezekiel’s hands and throw it in his wastepaper basket ‘Lydia,’ he explained. ‘Don’t mind her, it’s just what she is like.’

Ezekiel stared at him, unrelenting ‘But what is it?’ he insisted. Daniel sighed. ‘It’s a group where people sit and talk about their shitty lives,’ he said trying to sound nonchalant. Ezekiel raised an eyebrow and Daniel surrendered. ‘Okay, okay, specifically the shitty parts were people made them have sex when they didn’t want to.’ ‘Oh,’ answered Ezekiel thoughtfully.

Daniel quickly reevaluated, wondering if maybe Lydia was onto something. ‘Do you want to go, do you think it would be helpful?’ he encouraged. Green eyes looked up at him and there was a haunted look in their depths. ‘I wouldn’t want to give them nightmares,’ he said softly and Daniel shivered.

‘You told her?’ Ezekiel said, flipping the topic and his green eyes were unrelenting. Daniel felt himself blush. He nodded guilty. Ezekiel sighed. ‘Well now her change of heart makes sense.’ He gave Daniel a small gentle smile of forgiveness before returning to his tidying.

In the evening they settled down on the sofa together to watch another film. Ezekiel sat so close they were touching and he wasn’t even wearing a hoodie, let alone having his hood up.

Daniel was so thrilled it was hard to follow the film and when Ezekiel tentatively rested his head on Daniel's shoulder, Daniel thought that his heart was going to burst with happiness. Half way through the second film Ezekiel lifted his head from Daniel’s shoulder and stared at him intently. Daniel met his gaze, trying to work out what Ezekiel was thinking.

Suddenly Ezekiel spoke. ‘Can I give you a blow job?’ Daniel reeled and felt his mouth open and close several times as if he had suddenly turned into a goldfish. His cock heard those words and jumped straight to attention but the rest of him was a mess of conflicting emotions,

‘Um…you fancy a snack?’ he tried to joke, but it sounded more nervous. ‘No, maybe, I don’t know,’ confessed Ezekiel, holding his gaze and not looking away. The silence stretched. ‘We can do more if you are hungry?’ offered Daniel softly.

Ezekiel shook his head vehemently. ‘I don’t know what it will do to you,’ he said. Daniel tried to think. ‘But you said you don’t think it damages people?’ Ezekiel shook his head. ‘But I don’t know for sure and I won’t risk you.’ Daniel was deeply touched that Ezekiel cared so much but also very worried he was saying they would never have sex.


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