Off-Season by Jami Davenport

Off-Season by Jami Davenport

Author:Jami Davenport [Davenport, Jami]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Cedrona Enterprises

Chapter Seventeen

Unwelcome Guests


The next week was the best of my life. I spent my days exploring with Kennedy or helping her out around the campground or with her customer events. I spent my nights in bed or other places with her, fucking our brains out. I was a man obsessed. Our relationship had a shelf life, and I was determined to not waste a single second of our time together.

She was an adventurer. She thrived on travel. I loved those things, but I had an all-consuming job. She was a nomad. I wasn’t. I loved hockey, and I’d never give up my career for travel. Even if we became a longer-term couple, it’d never go anywhere. I think we both knew that, but I’d enjoy what I had while I had it.

Kennedy was sexually daring in way I’d never imagined. After our first time on the picnic table, we’d not only burned the sheets in my RV, we’d given a new meaning to tailgating while watching the stars on the beach one night. We’d tried out the driver’s seat in her Journey, which swiveled, by the way. She’d ridden me in a dark parking lot while we sat in my truck. I’d been eyeing that pool table in the local bar, but I wasn’t quite sure how we’d pull that one off without ending up being the subject of every social media outlet known to man.

Kennedy was everything I’d expected her to be, adventurous, energetic, and hot AF, but there’d been one thing I hadn’t expected. Epic sex. The kind I’d never gotten from anyone else despite my somewhat vast experience. I wanted more, craved more, needed more, and hoped like hell we packed as much as we could into the next week, as if that’d be enough.

Today was the two-week anniversary of when we’d met, and one week from when we were both scheduled to leave the campground, but I didn’t want to think about that. I wanted to think about how much more we could accomplish in a week.

I woke up in bed that Monday morning next to a soft, warm body and a couple of hairier bodies. Sometime during the night, Stanley and Bones had decided to join us on the bed. Even though it was an RV king, it was still crowded.

“Come on, guys. Get off.” Trying to force them off the bed was like moving two hundred-pound boulders. They weren’t budging. Bones belly-crawled between Kennedy and me to lick my face. I pushed him away, so he turned his affection on Kennedy.

“Stop it,” she giggled and hid under the covers, unintentionally encouraging Bones to try to dig her out.

Stanley jumped to his feet, his tail and hind wagging furiously. He got in on the game and landed on top of me. We were buried by wriggling, licking fur babies. We both erupted into laughter, exciting the two dogs even more.

I pulled Kennedy into my arms, and together we escaped the marauders, who were hot on our tails.


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