Pucking My Off-Limits Billionaire Boss by Stone Livvy

Pucking My Off-Limits Billionaire Boss by Stone Livvy

Author:Stone, Livvy
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00



The early morning light filters through the dusty windows of the old Mocha Memoirs site, casting long shadows across the floor strewn with blueprints and tools. Stepping out of the back office, where I've been buried in paperwork and planning, the sound of laughter draws my attention.

There, in the midst of the chaos of renovation, is a scene that halts me in my tracks. Lucy, usually all business and sharp edges, is on the floor with Carter and Chuck. She's pulling the goofiest faces, and Carter is in a fit of giggles, his laughter echoing off the bare walls.

I lean against the doorway, watching them. Lucy's eyes are bright with joy, and her laughter mixes seamlessly with Carter's. It's a side of her I've rarely seen—carefree, unguarded, and utterly infectious. It's moments like this that remind me how multifaceted people can be, how someone you think you know can still surprise you.

As I watch them, a smile spreads across my face, unbidden but genuine. The usual calculations, strategies, and plans that occupy my mind take a backseat, replaced by this simple, pure moment of joy and connection. It's a stark contrast to the Lucy I've been butting heads with over blueprints and budgets. Seeing her like this, so playful and warm, it's... disarming.

Carter spots me first, his smile widening. "Daddy!" he calls out, scrambling to his feet and rushing over. Lucy looks up, her smile transitioning into her more familiar, guarded expression, but the warmth from moments before still lingers in her eyes.

"Morning, boss," she says, getting up and brushing off her jeans. Her tone is light, teasing, a carryover from her playtime with Carter.

I ruffle Carter's hair as he wraps himself around my leg. "Morning, team," I reply, looking back at Lucy. "Looks like you've got the magic touch with the little ones."

She shrugs, a playful glint in her eye. "What can I say? I'm a woman of many talents."

As Carter continues to play with a small toy car he found among the renovation clutter, I walk over to Lucy, ready to switch gears from playful to professional.

"Looks like you've made a new friend there," I comment, nodding towards Carter, who's now making zooming noises as he drives the car along the floor.

Lucy laughs, watching Carter. "Yeah, we're buddies now. He's a tough crowd, though. Had to pull out all my best faces."

I smile, then clear my throat, signaling the shift in our conversation. "So, about today. We've got a lot to cover. I was thinking we start with the layout of the main area."

Lucy nods, her expression turning serious as she pulls out a rolled-up blueprint from a nearby table. "Sure, but before we dive into that, I want to talk about keeping some of the original features. It's important to maintain the essence of what Mocha Memoirs was."

I take the blueprint, unfurling it on a makeshift table. "I get that, but we also need to consider the upgrades. This place needs to be more than just a nostalgia trip.


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