Red by Jordan Summers

Red by Jordan Summers

Author:Jordan Summers [Summers, Jordan]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 0765359146
Published: 2009-03-12T00:00:00+00:00

chapter thirteen

Red heard a creak and glanced around the share space. Her skin prickled. "Jesse, is that you?" she called out.

The small sound was the only warning she had of the impending attack. Red hit the bar with enough force to make her think she'd been playing chicken with a hydrogen bus and lost.

The air whooshed out of her lungs and her ribs strained to keep from cracking. She gasped repeatedly, but couldn't seem to catch her breath. Her knees crumpled beneath the weight behind her, taking her to the hard floor.

Red couldn't see who had hit her, but she could feel him. His cock was erect and nestled between her butt cheeks. He shifted, deliberately allowing his hard ridge to caress her. This could not be happening. Didn't this idiot know rape was punishable by death?

She strained to look over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of dark wavy hair before he pressed her face down, grinding it into the floor. There were a lot of dark-haired men in town. It could be just about anyone, but she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity.

He pushed harder. Red cried out. Her cheek and nose scraped and her eyes began to water. She tried to hit her navcom's distress button, but he held her arm, preventing her from calling for help. She should never have placed Rita on standby. Red had been so worried about what her navcom would find or say that she forgot there was a possibility that she would really need her.

"Release me now and I'll let you live." She struggled wildly, her fists pounding the floor as she tried to squirm out from under him.

He didn't answer, only rocked his hips once more to let her know what he had planned.

"Fine! Have it your way," she ground out between clenched teeth. "I am going to kill you when I get out of here. Do you hear me? You're dead."

Something soft slipped over her head cutting off her threat. A second later the lights winked out.

"No!" she screamed, but the material absorbed her cries. Red reached for her pistol, fingertips straining to find the gun stock, but her attacker was one step ahead of her. knocking it out of her grasp.

"Shh . .." he soothed as if that would get her to relax. His lips and teeth brushed the side of her neck at the slope of her shoulder.

Alarm bells went off in Red's head. For some unknown reason, she didn't want him anywhere near that spot on her body. Panicked, she fought harder, her fingernails curling into the floor as she tried to rise.

The strings around her neck tightened, choking her. Red gasped. She didn't know what this bastard's game was, but she wasn't going to make it easy for him. Lungs burning from lack of oxygen, she struggled to stay conscious.

Whoever had her was stronger than anyone she'd ever encountered. Her head swam and she kicked back, connecting with the man's shin. She heard a grunt, but he didn't say anything to betray his identity.


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