Shareholder: A LitRPG Adventure by Cale Plamann

Shareholder: A LitRPG Adventure by Cale Plamann

Author:Cale Plamann [Plamann, Cale]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Mountaindale Press
Published: 2024-04-17T00:00:00+00:00


Kat rolled to the side, a gust of air filled with glittering ice shards tracking her as the massive, translucent spider unleashed another breath attack at her. In its wake, a half-dozen or so smaller monsters burst out of the ice, birthed by the magic from their mother’s ability. They weren’t as large as the usual dungeon denizens, but the smaller, ten-legged baby ice spiders were fast, and their fangs were heavily laden with a paralytic poison.

Kaleek’s trembling body in the corner of the room was a testament to the poison’s effectiveness. Early in the fight, he had been swarmed by the juvenile spiders and taken out of the fight. Only by blasting him with a Water Jet and freezing the small monsters solid had Kat been able to save the desoph. From his hesitant movements and red glow, it looked like Kaleek was burning through the venom in his system at a rapid rate, but Kat didn’t have much time to be worried about his physical state.

A pair of crystalline forelegs, their tips honed to a knife edge, whooshed through the air toward her, forcing Kat to cast Levitation and throw herself into the air a fraction of a second in front of their impact. Ice and stone cracked behind her, and the spider tracked her arc through the air with a massive cluster of inscrutable compound eyes.

“This is why you never claim that a battle will be easy!” Kat shouted at Dorrik. Flashes of energy highlighted the lokkel as they launched a flurry of Psi abilities at the swarming ice-spider brood. “The minute you say that, you’re tempting fate. It’s like approaching the meanest and drunkest guy at the bar, putting your cigarette out on his forearm, and daring him to do his worst.”

“That is nought but a superstition, Miss Kat,” Dorrik called back, their twin blades blurring as they picked a pair of ice spiders that had avoided the Psi blasts from the air. “Truly, it is strange to believe that my statements could somehow blur reality and make this battle harder than it was before. The boss simply evolved. It happens from time to time.”

The ice spider pulled its legs from the craters they had inflicted on the floor. Kat’s eyes widened as they flashed up and she quickly cut Levitation and replaced it with Gravity’s Grasp to speed her fall.

Its leg hit her in the chest, eyes tracking her descent with ease despite the rapid changes in gravity. Kat felt a good chunk of her mana disappear in a puff, along with her breath as her armor absorbed the vast majority of the blow.

A second leg speared forward, trying to impale her, but the force of the previous attack was a small mercy, sending her flying across the chamber where she bounced off of the ice-covered ground in a spray of sparks. It chittered angrily, lifting both of its sharp front legs up again before slamming them into the ground in a brief tantrum.

Kat rolled over, groaning as her chest flared with pain.


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