Sir John Hargrave's Mischief Maker's Manual by John Hargrave

Sir John Hargrave's Mischief Maker's Manual by John Hargrave

Author:John Hargrave
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Publisher: Penguin Group US
Published: 2010-12-26T22:00:00+00:00

Repeat for about half the cups in the stack. Doing this with a partner and an extra hole punch makes it go faster. Be sure to collect the little punched-out bits and throw them away in a secret trash can.

Put the cups back on top of the bag or container, or mix them around randomly, and replace the cups where you found them.

Serve and enjoy!

Make a Dribble Glass. Experiment with your holes or slits for maximum dribbling effect.




One of the patron saints of pranking was a brilliant man by the name of S.S. Adams, who invented the original versions of many of the classic pranks featured in this book: Dribble Glass (page 132), Joy Buzzer (page 114), Snake in the Nuts (page 160), and the prank that started him off: Cachoo Sneezing Powder.

Soren Sorenson Adams, or “Sam” to his friends, was working as a salesman for a coal company in 1904, when he discovered a coal-tar powder that made people sneeze like freaking crazy. This mysterious powder had a sneeze factor, or “sneezosity,” much greater than pepper. Eureka! A prank was born.

There are stories of S.S. blowing his patented sneezing powder into a crowded room of business executives, who would erupt into massive sneezing fits. (He probably didn’t get many promotions.) Or he would blow sneezing powder into a brass band as they walked by, and the band would have to stop the parade in order to sneeze watery mucus from their eyes and noses.

Why would a man ever think he could build a company on sneezing powder? That question remains a mystery, but S.S. quit his job and set up the Cachoo Sneezing Powder company. If he hadn’t taken that mad, crazy gamble, you wouldn’t be reading these words today.

Wacky little Cachoo became a national fad. There are stories of churches, classrooms, and entire sports teams pranked by Cachoo. Realizing he had a hit on his hands, S.S. Adams changed the name of his company to “S.S. Adams,” to show he was not a one-product company. Then he began to make breakthrough after incredible breakthrough. The Squirting Cigarette Lighter. The Bleeding Finger. The Squirting Nickel. The Stink Bomb. The Exploding Package. The guy was a genius. He was the Thomas Edison of troublemaking.

So: What was in Cachoo? S.S. never revealed his secret formula, but scholars now believe it was a chemical called dianisidine, which was later found to cause cancer. Today you can still buy “sneezing powder” off the Internet, but it usually contains nothing but finely ground black pepper, which you can easily make yourself.


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