Summoning Spectres (Power & Empire Book 4) by Hutton L. J

Summoning Spectres (Power & Empire Book 4) by Hutton L. J

Author:Hutton, L. J. [Hutton, L. J.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Wylfheort Books
Published: 2013-05-27T00:00:00+00:00

The same three spectres appeared moments later at Lorne Castle to the astonishment of the assembled men eating in the refectory.

“Master Hugh!” Cynddylan gasped, gliding to the top table at speed. “I’m so sorry, but I bring you dire news. We’ve just located the Spear, which is good news of course. But its user was desperate to send you a warning. There’s a DeÁine fleet heading for the Islands from their last place of exile with four times the number of troops you currently face on board.”

“What?” Hugh exclaimed, dropping his knife and leaping to his feet as the shock echoed down the room.

“I’m afraid so,” Peredur confirmed. “The person who has the Spear is Swein’s friend Cwen. She seems a sensible young woman. Not the sort to make wild claims at all. The ship she’s on sailed day and night, dragging every knot of speed out of it, to bring this news. We believe that these extra DeÁine are those whom we knew were in the last place of exile they lived in before coming back to New Lochlainn. Without the Abend’s presence amongst them, we thought it unlikely that they would ever make a move against the Islands. Why they’re doing so now is unknown, but we cannot afford to ignore the threat.”

Sionnachan got to his feet and walked around the table to face the three ancients. “Just how many are in this fleet do you estimate?” he demanded with the calm of the professional soldier.

Cynddylan shook his head sadly. “I’m so sorry. I don’t think you’d be overestimating by much if you said one hundred thousand.”

Sionnachan looked to Maelbrigt and both fighters exhaled heavily. Amongst the few there who had fought such numbers at Moytirra, they knew only too well what kind of force they were now facing. So did Hugh. The ageing Master slumped back in his seat and covered his face with his hands.

“Oh Trees, this changes everything,” he groaned. However, Hugh was never one to give in to despair. He took a long draught of the spiced mead before him and then sat up straight. “May we use you as messengers?” he asked the ancients, who all nodded – even Urien. “Thank you. I don’t think we should tell Berengar just yet of what awaits him. We must think clearly. Let’s focus first on dealing with those DeÁine already in Brychan. However, we have to consider where these new enemies will land. Do you have any idea?”

Urien volunteered the information for a change. “I believe they’ll land either on the southern New Lochlainn coast or on Rathlin’s southern coast.”

Hugh looked to Maelbrigt and Sionnachan, received thoughtful nods, and declared,

“Then I think we have to make sure it’s Rathlin they land on.”

Mystified the three ancients exchanged glances of their own before Cynddylan asked, “Why? How is Rathlin any better than New Lochlainn?”

“Two reasons,” Maelbrigt answered as Aneirin flicked into being followed swiftly by Vanadis and then Owein. “There are a lot of ordinary people living on the south coast of New Lochlainn.


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