The Brand Strategy Canvas by Patrick Woods

The Brand Strategy Canvas by Patrick Woods

Author:Patrick Woods
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781484251591
Publisher: Apress

Thought Starters

What are the tangible benefits of your product?

How does each feature actually impact your target audience?

How does each one improve their lives?

What are the top three most unique rational benefits?

Emotional Benefits

Now you have a solid list of important and differentiated features, along with a several reasons for your audience to care about them. That’s a strong foundation for exploring emotional benefits, which are, in my opinion, where things start to get really fun.

Here’s why: all the sections up to this point have been largely about observations, like who are my customers, what do they offer them, and what’s going on in the market?

With emotional benefits, you start getting into the heads of your customer to reflect on and empathize with how your brand affects them at the deepest levels.

Your insights here are definitely based on those prior observations, but they add in a creative and interpretive layer.

That’s challenging and fun, but it’s also highly powerful. Most startups don’t bother to build emotion into their brands; they stop at rational benefits and often just list features. That means you’ll have plenty of room for powerful storytelling and differentiation.

So what’s the heuristic for this section?

If the main question for rational benefits is “So what?” for emotional benefits, we want to unpack “So that.” In other words, what’s the emotional payoff of your offering?

That probably sounds lofty, so let’s look at an example.


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