The Chasing of Zombies by L.C. Mortimer

The Chasing of Zombies by L.C. Mortimer

Author:L.C. Mortimer
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: lesbian zombie story, lesbian zombie adventure, gay zombie adventure, bisexual zombie, lgbt zombie, lgbt dystopia, lgbt sci-fi, lgbt fantasy, dystopian lgbtq
Publisher: L.C. Mortimer
Published: 2021-08-31T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 12

“I assume you don’t know her,” Velvet offered.

“We don’t. Do you?” Ambrose spoke up. Velvet turned to her. Ambrose, like Eshe and Velvet, had dark brown skin and curly hair. Unlike Eshe and Velvet, however, she didn’t look like she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. Velvet had a sneaking suspicion that had something to do with the squirrely California-surfer dude sitting across from them. Ryan might have had “beach boy” written all over him, but he seemed to make Ambrose happy.

“We don’t,” Ryan said. “Why would we know a kid?”

Velvet bit her tongue. She wanted to say that none of them knew children because they didn’t exist, but she didn’t. Instead, she took a deep breath. One thing she’d basically perfected over the years was the ability to stay calm when her heart was racing.

It was something she’d had to do in order to stay safe from zombies. If she didn’t want to get attacked, and if she didn’t want to fight, she had to be able to breathe. She had to be able to stay focused.

She could never lose her focus.

Losing focus meant dying a fast and painful death, and she had no interest in that.


“There aren’t a lot of children in the world,” Velvet finally said.

“I’ve only seen two,” Eshe offered.

“The problem is that pregnancy is a lot harder when you’re slowly starving,” Ambrose offered. Everyone turned to look at her.

“Ambrose’s dad was an obstetrician,” Eshe explained.

“He was a good one, too.”

“Ambrose grew up hanging out around his clinic,” Eshe added, “so she knows a lot about pregnancy and childbirth.”

“I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get pregnant,” Velvet smiled at Ambrose.

“No, don’t!” Ambrose said quickly. “I don’t remember anything.”

“Ambrose, I’m just joking,” Velvet said quickly. “I’m gay. I’m not getting pregnant ever. You don’t need to worry.”

“Okay,” Ambrose seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She was really worried about being asked to deliver a baby, wasn’t she?

“What are we going to do about the kid in the next building?” Velvet asked, turning to Eshe. Eshe was the leader. She was the strong one, the brave one. She was the one that people turned to when they were struggling. It was obvious.

“What kid?”

Velvet turned to see two tall, sturdy-looking guys standing in the doorway by the stairs. She hadn’t even heard them coming up the stairs, and she jumped to her feet, scared. Of all of the days to not carry a gun, today was probably the worst one she could have chosen. Velvet didn’t like guns, though, so she made a point not to use them. Still, she couldn’t help but wish she had a way to properly defend herself in that moment.

The first guy was tall – definitely over six feet – and muscular. Velvet wondered how the hell he managed to do that after all of these years living in the apocalypse. Did he just chug protein powder? How did he get enough meat to keep building muscle?

The other guy was slightly shorter, but no less muscular.


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