The Gold of the Gods by Erich von Daniken

The Gold of the Gods by Erich von Daniken

Author:Erich von Daniken [Daniken, Erich von]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: History
ISBN: 9781618030054
Publisher: Tantor eBooks
Published: 2011-06-15T14:00:00+00:00

Today the seaman knows that his goal exists (unlike the prehistoric discoverer); he knows where it lies and on what route it is to be found. The original Polynesians lacked all the necessary knowledge. If they reached an island, a lucky chance had put it in their way.

The intelligent and skillful inhabitants of New Zealand, the Maoris, have a saga which gives cause for reflection.

It tells us that in early times there was a King Kupe, who undertook what was obviously a land of scientific expedition in company with his two daughters and two birds. Kupe discovered the East Coast of New Zealand, went ashore and sent the two birds off to reconnoiter. One bird was given the task of measuring the marine currents and the drop in the rivers, the other had to analyze berries and plants to see if they were edible. The first bird broke its wings while measuring a waterfall and being lame could no longer fly. The second bird, so the Maori saga goes, discovered such a delicious kind of berry that it decided to spend the rest of its life in the forest. Kupe never saw it again. Consequently, it continues, King Kupe and his daughters could not return home.


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