The Keeping Place by Mae Clair

The Keeping Place by Mae Clair

Author:Mae Clair [Clair, Mae]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 12

“Does that mean anything to you? The Storybook Lady?”

Vin’s question made Nicole pause by her car, one hand on the door handle. With a glance at Marshall’s house, she wondered if he watched from a window. He’d been helpful enough, sharing what he could. She no longer blamed him for what he’d done, any more than she blamed Vin for coercing her into taking Janie to the party.

Her little sister had been her responsibility. Whether she’d chosen the role or not, it had been her duty to watch over Janie. Having failed that, the least she could do was bring closure to her death by trying to discover her killer.

She shook her head. “I don’t remember Janie being hooked on storybooks or fairy tales. She liked old classics like Cinderella and Snow White, but nothing that stands out as special.” An ugly thought stirred awake. “You don’t think a woman could have killed her?”

“I suppose it’s possible.” Vin kicked a stone aside. “I was hoping Marshall might have remembered something about the bracelet, but I can’t say this helps.”

“It’s more than we had before. I’ll ask Glory. Maybe she’ll remember something about a Storybook Lady.”

“How are things going with her?”

“You mean between us?” Nicole shrugged. “It’s not all bad.”

“She has a lot to contend with.”

The observation made her bristle. “It’s always about her, isn’t it?” It was the way of men, worrying about Glory. Fawning over her. Bending over backward to help. “She’s not the only one who’s hurting, you know.”

“I’m sorry.” Contrition passed through his eyes. “I didn’t mean to imply she was. Only that she lives under a microscope. You know that.”

Her walls stayed in place. “Of her choosing.”

“Maybe before, when she was younger. But it’s been different since you left.”

That piqued her interest. She folded her arms—defensive much?—her back to the Fiesta. “If you have something to say, Vin, you should say it.”

“All right.” His mouth tightened, drawing down on the right side the way she remembered. “You bolted and didn’t give any consideration to the damage you did. The people you left behind.”

“My mother knew where to find me.”

“Your mother had to deal with the loss of a daughter, another daughter who made it clear she couldn’t live with her any longer, and a town who expected her to keep up the façade of Hornwood’s golden girl. Are you forgetting the expectations they have every year for Movie Night? If it weren’t for your mom, half of the businesses in Hornwood wouldn’t thrive. She brings tourist dollars and money. Not just on Movie Night, but throughout the year. After all this time, maybe she’s shit-sick of it. Especially when she’s faced with doing it again a few days after burying her daughter.”

Nicole looked away, fighting a swell of resentment. Was it childish to think her mother brought problems on herself? First Jude, now Vin. Even Chelsea had stuck up for Glory, telling Nicole she should talk to her. And then there was Amelia, insisting mothers and daughters needed each other.


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