The King of Pacoima by David Mickey Evans

The King of Pacoima by David Mickey Evans

Author:David Mickey Evans [Evans, David Mickey]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Flying Wagon Books, LLC
Published: 2014-09-24T22:00:00+00:00

When I got done with the list and looked it over, my heart sank. Some of the things that we didn't have (the Cox airplane engines, the kites and the donuts and postcards) were going to cost money, money that for a forgetful second I was sure we didn't have. Until I remembered the cubbyhole secret hiding place.

The nagging feeling that we'd both carried around with us - that someday we were going to need that twenty two dollars for something more important than anything else - was now clear.

It was money to be spent for the sole purpose of seeing The Big Idea through to the end.

I helped to get some of the stuff, but Bobby went out and got most of it by himself. We hid it all in separate areas of the clubhouse so that if any of it was discovered before we finished The Flyer we would only lose that part and not the others. We also bought a Master lock for the door and tacked cardboard up in the windows so no one could see inside.

About this time, when He had been gone for ten days, Mom got a second waitress job at night. When she was gone and our little sister was asleep we went out to the clubhouse and worked on The Flyer.

Since we didn't have any tools we had to use The King's. Using the King's tools was absolute suicide, but we didn't have a choice; besides, we


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