The Simmonds House Kills by Meaghan Dwyer

The Simmonds House Kills by Meaghan Dwyer

Author:Meaghan Dwyer [Dwyer, Meaghan]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 13

The Magazine Clippings

Week 4: Wednesday, September 22

After finishing her lunch under the oak tree, Emma started walking toward her SUV to get some studying done in her room. She wished she lived in her own apartment so she could be antisocial in peace. Emma spent time in her room, studying in the park, or using a private room in the library. She was more alone in a house full of people than she would be if she actually lived alone.

She wore light-blue ripped jeans with a black tank top and a long white cardigan. She still needed to speak with three more members one on one: George, Holden, and Carson. She could never speak to Aurora about anything; Aurora was questioning if Emma could be trusted. Questioning her about Lia would be a major red flag. Carson was a mystery. No one would say where he was. Holden shouldn’t be difficult to talk to, but George made her nervous.

She hoped speaking with each person alone would allow her to come to some sort of conclusion about them. She had been hoping something someone would say would stand out to her and allow her to place her suspicion on them alone. This hadn’t been the case, though. So far, any of these mindless, ignorant people could’ve killed Lia. Emma could no longer exclude anyone from her search. She needed to solve this case sooner rather than later. She couldn’t let them get off the hook again.

She pulled up to the house and parked her car on the street. As she reached for the front doorknob, it opened suddenly. George stood over her with a smirk. He gestured her inside and closed the door.

“Are you going to Lia’s memorial?” he asked.

She nodded since no words would come out of her mouth. George dressed nicely in tan, fitted pants and a button-down Ralph Lauren shirt. He stuck both hands in his pockets and slouched his shoulders. “That’s good. I’d like you to go. You didn’t know Lia, but she had a kind and gentle personality. She wouldn’t want the fuss of a huge memorial, but she’s well deserving of one.”

“I agree.” She stared into his eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you,” he said, gazing at the floor. “No one says that around here.”

Emma understood. No one in this house would spare a moment of their time to think about someone other than themselves.

“Can I talk to you privately for a moment?” he asked. “You never know who’s listening.”

He gestured toward the library. Emma stared at the open door. Was this a bad idea, or was just she being paranoid? She did have pepper spray in her backpack as a precaution. Henry told her to exercise caution with him since he might’ve hurt Lia. Why would he hurt Emma, though? He didn’t know her. She followed George into the library, and he closed the door behind her. George approached her with a rigid face.

“I know you went through my room.” He crossed his arms.

Well, shit.


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