Three Oaths by Josh Reynolds

Three Oaths by Josh Reynolds

Author:Josh Reynolds [Reynolds, Josh]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 0000000000000
Published: 2023-07-05T03:24:15+00:00

Chapter Nineteen


Reo rubbed her wrists nervously. “I hope I am ready for this,” she whispered.

“I do as well,” Shin said, giving his fan a flutter. It was warm here, but not stifling. The Akodo dojo was set back from the river and the district both. It was a simple affair, lacking in pretense. High, solid walls and sturdy outbuildings. The dojo itself was decorated with banners signaling its allegiances to the families of the Lion. The Akodo mon surmounted all others, of course.

The practice yard was well swept and neatly organized. The students, both sumai and otherwise, had been gathered about a circle outlined in straw bales. Torches had been lit, against the encroachment of evening. The students were excited; then, anything out of the ordinary excited students. Especially at a dojo. A few tossed curious glances Shin and Reo’s way and Shin waved gaily, eliciting laughter.

Kenko joined them. He looked Reo up and down and gave a grunt of approval. “She gets one chance,” he said to Shin, hands clasped behind his back. “Only one. She goes out of the circle, she leaves this dojo.”

“And if she wins?” Shin asked.

“We will see.”

“How many matches?”

“As many as I see fit.” Kenko smiled. “Is that agreeable?”

Shin looked at Reo, who, after a moment’s hesitation, nodded. He smiled and inclined his head to Kenko. “We find that agreeable.”

Kenko gave a small smile. “Excellent. She has confidence at least.” He indicated the practice circle. “Take your position, Lady Reo.” He looked at Shin. “You may observe, if you have no other pressing duties.”

“None at the moment. I wished to speak with you anyway, if I might.”

Kenko put on a bored expression. “Oh? About what?”

“This and that.”

Kenko grunted and surveyed his students. “I am not inclined to indulge in small talk.”

Shin nodded, as if this was to be expected. “Tell me, what did you make of him? Mosu, I mean.” He was curious as to what a man like Kenko might make of Mosu. Specifically, whether Mosu could have fought his way free of a band of pirates.

Kenko squinted and gestured to one of his students. The young man rose smoothly to his feet, despite his bulk, and entered the circle to the applause of his fellows. “A gambler. Not a good one, either.” The old man glanced at Shin. “I heard you were one as well. Are you a good one?”

“I grant myself some skill at dice. Then, I have always had good luck to make up for my shortcomings.” Shin smiled. “What about you?”

Kenko didn’t reply. Shin decided to try a different tack. “Did he ever come here to gamble?” That got a reaction. Kenko glowered at him.

“What do you take us for? We do not allow that sort of thing here.”

Shin almost believed him, but beneath the bluster was a hint of amusement. Every dojo had its own rules, its own way of doing things. And the Akodo, for all their unbending image, were as prone to bending those rules when it suited them as anyone else.


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