Unsung Sage by Thad Ward

Unsung Sage by Thad Ward

Author:Thad Ward [Ward, Thad]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-01-06T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 15

Forming a guild

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eriously?” Ike scowled at the code. He rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his feet on the worktable. He hadn’t needed to do any actual crafting, but the quiet corner seemed well-suited to his needs.

“Dinner’s ready,” Clay yelled up the stairwell.

Ike closed the enchanting window and rose, popping his neck loudly. He’d been sitting in similarly awkward positions for several hours and everything felt stiff.

Dusty met Ike at the stairwell on her way down from the fourth floor. She was back in her usual feminine attire – a gold skirt with a black corset over a bronze shirt, plus her usual blonde wig – and carried a large box in her arms. “Just in time,” she said, flashing teeth.

“What?” Ike frowned, then raised an eyebrow at the box. “You’ve got a design worked out? That seems fast.”

“Ye of little faith,” Dusty said haughtily. “It’s not just a design. I’ve got everyone’s new threads ready for the big announcement.”

Ike gave Dusty an incredulous look. “How is that possible? We only started talking about it earlier this morning. I don’t know much about sewing, but it’s got to take longer than that, right?”

Dusty descended the stairs. “Normally, you’d be right, but I got a hot tip from a mysterious stranger.” She cast a meaningful look over her shoulder. “Old Lady McCreary was so happy to have her little whatsit back, she gave me the second rarest item in her collection: a needle that speeds up my Tailoring skill like you wouldn’t believe.”

Ike chuckled. “Handy, though, you have to appreciate the irony of getting a speed-increasing item from someone so long-winded.”

Milly met them at the landing of the second floor. “All finished with that research you wanted,” she said to Ike. “You still haven’t said why you want to know about Blightmyre, though.” She turned to Dusty. “What’s in the box?”

“It’s a surprise,” Ike explained. “Actually, the Blightmyre thing is, too. Thanks for doing that.”

The three continued to the ground floor. Ibril was setting out plates on the dining table, with Vix perched on a windowsill close by. Ada was ladling stew out of a cook pot hanging over the hearth fire. Clay was setting down a platter of rolls as a centerpiece.

A hundred amazing smells filled the room: hearty beef stew, buttery baked potatoes, piping hot bread, mulled wine, roast venison, apple pie, and seasoned vegetables. Ike drifted over to the table and took in the sight of it all, mentally picking out what he’d be shoveling onto his plate first. “You guys have really outdone yourselves,” he said.

Clay beamed. “We’re back together again,” he said, slapping Ike on the back a little too hard for comfort. “It’s worth celebrating, right? Come on, you sit over here.” He put an arm around Ike’s shoulder and led him to the head of the table.

“Come on, I don’t deserve…” Ike started to protest, but Clay forced him down into the chair.


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