Advanced Bach Flower Therapy by Blome Götz

Advanced Bach Flower Therapy by Blome Götz

Author:Blome Götz
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Bach Flowers/Alternative Health
Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
Published: 2014-05-21T00:00:00+00:00



An arrow (→) indicates that more information about the condition can be found under that entry. Essences linked together by a plus sign (+) should be taken together. An asterisk (*) indicates that the particular combination described is discussed in detail in chapter 2.

Absentmindedness: Clematis (→ Concentration, difficulties with)

Clematis is always the choice when our clear and conscious attention to reality is disturbed.

Accidents → Emergencies

Accomplishment or Performance, acute crisis of *11/17


against oneself

caused by an excessive need for cleanliness and purity: Crab Apple

due to guilt feelings: Pine

caused by an excessive need for self-discipline: Rock Water

against others

due to unfriendliness or spite: Holly

due to self-righteousness: Vine

due to bitterness: Willow

Achieve, compulsion to → Ambition

against oneself: Oak, Rock Water

Oak is helpful when we are so involved in our work that we never relax. Rock Water makes us looser and more lenient; it is used when we are too strict with ourselves.

toward others: Vine

Sometimes we need a certain amount of pressure to achieve, but this must be kept in perspective. Vine can be helpful when we make self-righteous, inflexible demands on others.

compulsion to achieve, with self-abuse *22/27

compulsion to achieve, creating stress *22/31

compulsion to achieve, with dogmatism *22/32

compulsion to achieve, with human contact problems *22/34

Acne → Skin Conditions

Acquisitiveness → Greed

Act, unable to, due to panic *26/28

Aggression → Cold Emotions → Hate → Rage

Aggression is violent instinctive behavior that functions according to the principle of competition and serves individual self-realization and self-preservation. Depending on our character and the situation, it can manifest itself as hidden and subtle or open and reckless.

general: Holly

Holly helps us against banal, everyday irritability, annoyance, or rage and also against uncontrolled, rash aggression.

with impatience: Impatiens

When we are in a hurry, we quickly become aggressive if we are held up by those slower than we are.

with bitterness: Willow

When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behavior; take Holly also (15/38); when suppressed bitterness becomes aggression and resentment, take with Agrimony.

aggression due to psychological trauma *15/29

aggressive know-it-all *15/32

aggressive, compulsive thoughts *15/35

Allergy → Intolerance

Allergies are strong defensive reactions that are triggered by certain substances, even when these substances are introduced into the body in small quantities. The organism has at some time had a bad experience with a substance (such as pollen, animal hair, food, or chemicals), becomes sensitized, and cannot tolerate that substance anymore. In unfavorable conditions, these defensive reactions can be very strong and cause severe symptoms. Allergies can also be of a psychic nature in cases where we find a particular person or situation unbearable. (Further remarks → Chapter 1: Beech). Because allergies are signs of psychic or physical intolerance, any essence or combination that is suitable for making us more tolerant will be appropriate.

for people with an inner intolerance: Beech

Beech should be used as a basic essence for treating all allergies and conditions related to intolerance. It can be used alone or in concert with other appropriate essences.

for general purifying of the blood: Crab Apple

Chronic infections play a role in many allergies. They can poison the body and make it overly sensitive.


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