Left of Center by Zathyn Priest

Left of Center by Zathyn Priest

Author:Zathyn Priest [Priest, Zathyn]
Language: nld
Format: epub, mobi
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Five

A tabby cat lay splayed out on a steel table with its back legs spread open. Normally a veterinary

practice with a lively environment, today the operating theatre bathed in silence. The melancholy

atmosphere had been exactly the same around the house.

"If you don't snap out of this mood I'll lay you out on this table and cut your balls off!"

"Might be a good idea, Tarin," Brandon replied irritably, setting aside the scalpel. "Being neutered might keep me out of trouble."

"What trouble? You've hardly left the house for two weeks."

The latex gloves came off with a snap. "I'm done here."

From the operating room, Brandon walked lethargically into a kitchen at the rear of the practice.

He took a coffee pot off its warmer and poured black liquid into a mug. Lewis hadn't replied to

his emails. They bounced back without reaching their intended target.

Once the cat had been placed back in its cage, Tarin joined Brandon at the table. "You got

played, get over it. Even the great Brandon Faulkner can't win every time."

Narrowing his eyes, Brandon glared over the rim of the coffee mug. "Drop it."

"I'm the one who has to live with you and, quite frankly, you're about as pleasant to endure as a bikini wax." It seemed that enough was enough and Tarin wasn't prepared to let Brandon sulk

any longer. "Vent. Get it off your chest. Then maybe I can start living in peace again."

"Lewis won't answer my emails."

"You've got to be kidding! You're moping around because of that freak?"

Brandon instantly bristled. "He's not a freak."

"I stand corrected. He's not a freak; he's a psycho."

"Lewis is looking for something and he hasn't been able to find it."

Tarin huffed and rolled his eyes. "His medication maybe?"

One thing Brandon couldn't extol upon himself was the title of world's most considerate lover. In

the past, sex had always been about his enjoyment. He believed the only gratification his

partner's were worthy of was the honor of being the one he chose for the night.

Left of Center - 29

"You didn't see the look in his eyes." Brandon ignored Tarin's sarcasm and focused on what had taken place a fortnight ago. "He was furious and he had every right to be. Yeah, he scared the

shit out of me, but I deserved it."

"Why? It was an Internet hook up, nothing more."

"It was more. It is more." Picking up his coffee mug, Brandon stood and began walking away. "I led him on, made him believe I was falling in love with him. I'm a selfish bastard and I'm paying

for it."

"My God, you don't actually have feelings for him, do you?"

"I don't know!" Brandon paced the kitchen floor. "I reread all the emails we sent each other. I didn't realize there were so many. I told him a lot of things, Tarin." He poured bitter coffee into the sink. "When I had a shitty day I told him about it. He cared. He gave me advice, he lent me

an ear, and he cared."

"Or he was pretending to care, just like you were.


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