People in Glass Houses by Tanya Levin

People in Glass Houses by Tanya Levin

Author:Tanya Levin [Levin, Tanya]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: book, Cults, Christianity, General, Religion, ebook
ISBN: 9781863957427
Google: zQneAAAAQBAJ
Publisher: Black Inc.
Published: 2007-07-25T21:12:06+00:00

God: Santadaddy

Jesus: The guy behind the Christmas spectacular

Holy Spirit: Any sort of rush you might feel during the Christmas spectacular

The/your/our/God’s Church: Hillsong

Saved: Converted to Pentecostalism

Unsaved: Everyone else

Unchurched (previously Unsaved): Those who are not ‘locked into’ a church and therefore can’t be saved

Backslider: Person who used to go to Hillsong but doesn’t any more (see Unsaved)

Laying on of hands: Originally for healing. Popular at youth services; can lead to marriage

Slain in the Spirit: Having the Holy Spirit take a hold of you so strongly that you fall backwards; often induced by laying on of hands

Catchers: People who catch those who are Slain in the Spirit so that they don’t hit their head and can spend comfortable passed-out time with God

Carpet time: The time between going unconscious and when you wake up and go back to your seat

Gone to be with Jesus: Died

Immorality: Anything at all to do with sex outside of marriage

A lifestyle We don’t approve of: Gay

Drug addicts: People who don’t dress as nicely as we do

Girl: Any female from infancy to retirement

Man: Any male from infancy to retirement

Doing life: Living, since people are too busy to do lunch any more

Girlfriends: Women who attend Hillsong women’s events, not to be confused with same-sex partnership. Girlfriends do life together; the alternative is not boyfriends doing life together

Family: Someone related to you who isn’t gay, except for adopted children who aren’t related to you but are still family as long as they’re not gay. Non-biological relationships can’t be counted as family except for heterosexual spouses. And people who believe what you believe. Or give money to the building fund. Or who have a franchise of Gloria Jean’s Coffees

In the scale of eternity: Deciding whether or not you should do life with some people, not others

The Enemy: Satan. ‘The Enemy’ sounds less nasty the way KFC sounds better than Kentucky Fried Chicken

Manifest: To behave as if demons are controlling you, for example,

‘I showed my parents my bad report card and they started manifesting’

Spiritual battle: Confl ict with those who won’t think like you or your interpretation of the bible

The Throne Zone: Heaven

Resources: CDs, DVDs, books by pastors

The Word of God: Resources

Blessed (v): Given money to: ‘They’ve blessed our church’

Blessing (n): Source of money: ‘They’ve been a real blessing to us’

Blessed to be a blessing: Getting money to give it away

Generous: Giving lots of money to the church

Presence of God: The feeling of anticipation a crowd gets before a band comes on stage

Worship: Singing along to Hillsong songs, CDs or DVDs, at

Hillsong, at home or in the car

Hope: The gamble that faith is real

Faith: The reason for all the things that don’t make any sense

Love: Feeling really special on the inside about anything at all; being nice to someone

Grace: The whitewash process by which we only talk about the positive and no one has to be accountable for anything, for example,

‘When are you going to get a hold of the concept of grace?’

Legalist: Anyone who disagrees with leadership

Suffering for Jesus: Missing your connecting flight



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