The Return of Turpin: A Cosy Victorian Murder Mystery (The Gentleman Detective Mysteries Book 10) by Evelyn James

The Return of Turpin: A Cosy Victorian Murder Mystery (The Gentleman Detective Mysteries Book 10) by Evelyn James

Author:Evelyn James [James, Evelyn]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Red Raven Publications
Published: 2024-03-20T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Fourteen

Victoria returned home to speak to her uncle before setting off again. When she arrived, she discovered he had news for her as well.

“This is very serious,” Victoria said once he had explained everything.

“I have names to follow up on. If you don't mind, I would like to go at once and see if these gentlemen can offer any information about Hetty's whereabouts.”

“Are they liable to be the sort of young men who will give reliable information to us?” Victoria asked, frowning.

“I cannot guarantee they will tell us the truth. But if we impress upon them the seriousness of the situation, that the police are involved and that Hetty's family will be actively engaged in locating her, then we might spook them enough to reveal something.”

“I hope they have caused her no harm.”

“That is what everyone is hoping for, which is why I feel we should hurry.”

Victoria told her uncle about the mysterious tinker Dr Hove had mentioned. He agreed that if their leads failed them when it came to the gang, they ought to try and discover this tinker. He might have seen something, or possibly he might know where Hetty was.

For the time being, all their attention was focused on speaking to the young man who had been identified as the leader of the gang of robbers. He was called Stanley Barnes. The name rang a bell to Bainbridge, but he could not say why. He was sure he had heard it before. If he had had more time, he would have gone to his archives and seen if there were any references to a Barnes there.

As it was they had rushed out of the house and Bainbridge was feeling slightly under prepared, though he did not say this to Victoria.

There was a lot he was not saying to Victoria, including the fact he was wondering if he should have brought her at all. Considering how dangerous the situation could become, maybe it would have been best if he had gone alone. Thinking his niece was the only back up he had was not entirely inspiring. Not when compared to having Houston waving around a pistol and talking in that burly American accent that always inspired respect, among others. Well, perhaps not respect. It certainly inspired fear. There was something about that accent that convinced people that Houston would shoot them without a moment's thought, as if that is what Americans did all the time.

Bainbridge was not sure that Houston had ever shot anyone, though admittedly he did not know vast amounts about Houston’s time in the Pinkerton Agency. One day he would find the truth about Fairchild's past, and maybe that would finally lead him to the answers about his murder.

That was a matter for another time, and mourning the fact that he did not have Houston at his side armed with a gun, was not going to change anything. Bainbridge reminded himself that bravado was half the battle. If they went in looking confident enough, then hopefully that would be sufficient.


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