Vex & Blue by Shyla Colt

Vex & Blue by Shyla Colt

Author:Shyla Colt [Colt , Shyla]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Inspired Ink
Published: 2023-09-01T16:00:00+00:00




“She’s out,” Hel whispers as she steps away from the door. “I’m ready for you to tell me exactly what I stumbled into.” Lifting her chin, she squares her shoulders as she rejoins us in the living room.

“Where do we start?” Vex trails his hungry gaze over her frame, and I elbow him in the side. She’s already rattled. Putting her even more on edge won’t make her more receptive.

“After this afternoon, I think we should start with a drink.”

Exhaling, she relaxes, and her shoulders lower. “I’m down with that.”

I stand. “Beer okay?”

“What kind?”


“Perfect.” She nods.

“Sit. I’ll get it.”

Cautiously, she lowers herself onto the edge of the cushion farthest from Vex. He flashes her a wolfish grin and closes the space, scooting to his right. He likes the chase. Every sidestep only makes him want her more. He’s used to women falling in his lap. So, her rejection is amusing as hell.

Opening the fridge, I pull out three bottles of beer, pop the tops, and return to find Hel glowering at my smirking brother.

“What did I miss?”

“Just trying to help our guest relax,” Vex answers smoothly.

She huffs. “I don’t think the word guest means what you think it does.”

“Someone we want to make comfortable and provide with hospitality.” Vex stretches his arm behind her on the couch as he widens his legs, man sprawling.

“You say hospitality, but I hear dick.”

Vex shrugs a shoulder. “The guest is always right.”

She shakes her head, but there’s no real anger on her face as she accepts the beer I hold out.

“We keep our women and children separate from the immediate danger. What happened earlier today was a one-off. Detective Johnson’s gone rogue. He’s a man abusing his power over some lame personal vendetta,” I explain.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

She takes a long draw off her beer, and I watch her long neck as she swallows. I get her need for information, but I can’t change the rules for her.

“Civilians are kept informed on a need-to-know basis. That means you need to do what we tell you to do because it’s important.” I’m walking a careful line, honoring my commitment to the club while opening up my life to a new person who’s unfamiliar with our life.

“Just like that, huh?” She snaps her fingers and wrinkles her button nose. Lips pressed into a line, she shakes her head. “You say jump, and I say how, high?” She scoffs. “That’ll never happen.”

“How do you propose we keep you safe then? We belong to Sin City, M.C., not you. That means club business stays with club members.” Vex’s eyes harden with his words.

“I never said I was. I don’t aspire to join criminal enterprises.” Her words are sharp daggers set to maim.

“Quick to judge, aren’t you?” Vex trails his fingers down her shoulder.

She shrugs off his caress. “Lay down with dogs, and you’re bound to catch fleas.”

His eyes flash. “You calling us dogs now?”

“Before you answer that, remember we’re in this together. Morgan is our main priority.


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